1 package net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.framework.gui;
3 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
4 import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
5 import javax.swing.*;
6 import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
7 import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
8 import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;
9 import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.framework.model.ChatMessage;
10 import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.util.proportionlayout.ProportionConstraints;
11 import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.util.proportionlayout.ProportionLayout;
13 /***
14 * A <code>JPanel</code> which allows a user to send chat messages and shows received chat messages
15 * and events in a log. One instance is shown in the "Chat" tab.
16 *
17 * @author Geoffrey De Smet
18 * @version 1.0, 2003-06-18
19 * @see net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.specs.gui.UtilityPanelFactory#createChatClientPanel()
20 */
21 public class ChatClientPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
23 private ClientGUIFacade clientGUIFacade = null;
25 private JTextPane logTextPane;
26 private JScrollPane logScrollPane;
27 private JTextField messageTextField = new JTextField("", 50);
28 private JButton sendButton = new JButton("Send");
30 public ChatClientPanel(StyledDocument chatLogDocument) {
31 ProportionLayout layout = new ProportionLayout();
32 layout.appendColumn(50, 1.0);
33 layout.appendColumn(10);
34 layout.appendColumn(0, ProportionLayout.NO_PROPORTION);
35 layout.appendRow(0, 1.0);
36 layout.appendRow(10);
37 layout.appendRow(0, ProportionLayout.NO_PROPORTION);
38 setLayout(layout);
40 logTextPane = new JTextPane(chatLogDocument);
41 logTextPane.setEnabled(false);
42 logScrollPane = new JScrollPane(logTextPane,
45 chatLogDocument.addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() {
46 public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
47 scrollToEnd();
48 }
49 public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
50 scrollToEnd();
51 }
52 public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
53 scrollToEnd();
54 }
55 private void scrollToEnd() {
56 logScrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
57 }
58 });
59 add(logScrollPane, new ProportionConstraints(0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0));
60 messageTextField.addActionListener(this);
61 add(messageTextField,
62 new ProportionConstraints(0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, ProportionConstraints.CENTER,
63 ProportionConstraints.HORIZONTAL));
64 sendButton.addActionListener(this);
65 add(sendButton, new ProportionConstraints(2, 2));
66 }
68 public void gameJoined(ClientGUIFacade clientGUIFacade) {
69 this.clientGUIFacade = clientGUIFacade;
70 setEnabled(true);
71 }
73 public void joinedGameQuit() {
74 setEnabled(false);
75 clientGUIFacade = null;
76 }
78 public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
79 messageTextField.setEnabled(enabled);
80 sendButton.setEnabled(enabled);
81 }
83 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
84 if (clientGUIFacade != null && !messageTextField.getText().equals("")) {
85 try {
86 String message = messageTextField.getText();
87 if (message.startsWith("/me ")) {
88 clientGUIFacade.sendChatMessage(ChatMessage.PLAYER_EMOTE,
89 message.substring(4));
90 } else if (message.startsWith("/emote ")) {
91 clientGUIFacade.sendChatMessage(ChatMessage.PLAYER_EMOTE,
92 message.substring(7));
93 } else {
94 clientGUIFacade.sendChatMessage(ChatMessage.PLAYER_MESSAGE,
95 message);
96 }
97 messageTextField.setText("");
98 messageTextField.requestFocus();
99 } catch (IllegalStateException exception) {
100 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getTopLevelAncestor(),
101 "You are not allowed to send a chat message at this time.",
102 "Send chat message failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
103 }
104 }
105 }
107 }