View Javadoc

1   package;
3   import;
5   /***
6    * A version to check if a client and server are using compatible SimpleGameNet framework and game
7    * module packages. A version consists out of one or several levels of <code>int</code> values, each
8    * considered more important then the next.
9    *
10   * @author Geoffrey De Smet
11   * @version 1.0, 2003-06-18
12   * @see net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.specs.model.GameFactory
13   */
14  public class Version implements Comparable, Serializable {
16      private int[] levelValues;
18      /***
19       * Initializes a newly created <code>Version</code> object with 1 level. It is recommended not
20       * to use this constructor, but to use at least 2 levels to define a version instead.
21       *
22       * @param level0Value the value of the only level
23       */
24      public Version(int level0Value) {
25          levelValues = new int[1];
26          levelValues[0] = level0Value;
27      }
29      /***
30       * Initializes a newly created <code>Version</code> object with 2 levels.
31       *
32       * @param level0Value the value of the first and most important level
33       * @param level1Value the value of the second and least important level
34       */
35      public Version(int level0Value, int level1Value) {
36          levelValues = new int[2];
37          levelValues[0] = level0Value;
38          levelValues[1] = level1Value;
39      }
41      /***
42       * Initializes a newly created <code>Version</code> object with 3 levels.
43       *
44       * @param level0Value the value of the first and most important level
45       * @param level1Value the value of the second level
46       * @param level2Value the value of the third level
47       */
48      public Version(int level0Value, int level1Value, int level2Value) {
49          levelValues = new int[3];
50          levelValues[0] = level0Value;
51          levelValues[1] = level1Value;
52          levelValues[2] = level2Value;
53      }
55      /***
56       * Initializes a newly created <code>Version</code> object with a variable amount of levels.
57       *
58       * @param levelValues the values of each level, starting with the most important level first
59       */
60      public Version(int[] levelValues) {
61          if (levelValues == null || levelValues.length == 0) {
62              levelValues = new int[1];
63              levelValues[0] = 0;
64          }
65          this.levelValues = levelValues;
66      }
68      /***
69       * Compares this version to the specified object. The result is <code>true</code> if and only if
70       * the argument is not <code>null</code> and is a version that represents the same sequence of
71       * values as this version.
72       * <p/>
73       * Versions with a different amount of levels are compared to the same amount of levels by
74       * padding <code>0</code> values to the version with less levels. For example: 1.3, 1.3.0 and
75       * are considered to be equal, while 1.4 and 1.4.1 are considered to be unequal.
76       *
77       * @param object the object to compare this version against
78       * @return <code>true</code> if the versions are equal
79       */
80      public boolean equals(Object object) {
81          if (object == null || !(object instanceof Version)) {
82              return false;
83          }
84          Version version = (Version) object;
85          for (int i = 0; i < levelValues.length && i < version.levelValues.length; i++) {
86              if (levelValues[i] != version.levelValues[i]) {
87                  return false;
88              }
89          }
90          if (levelValues.length < version.levelValues.length) {
91              for (int i = levelValues.length; i < version.levelValues.length; i++) {
92                  if (version.levelValues[i] != 0) {
93                      return false;
94                  }
95              }
96          } else if (version.levelValues.length < levelValues.length) {
97              for (int i = version.levelValues.length; i < levelValues.length; i++) {
98                  if (levelValues[i] != 0) {
99                      return false;
100                 }
101             }
102         }
103         return true;
104     }
106     /***
107      * Compares two versions by comparing their level values, beginning from the highest level. For
108      * example: 1.8.12 will be considered older then 2.0.0.
109      * <p/>
110      * Versions with a different amount of levels are compared to the same amount of levels by
111      * padding <code>0</code> values to the version with less levels. For example: 1.3 compared to
112      * 1.3.0 will be considered equal, while 1.4 compared to 1.4.1 will be considered older.
113      *
114      * @param object the object to compare this version against
115      * @return the value <code>0</code> if the argument version is equal to this version, a value
116      *         less than <code>0</code> if this version is older than the argument and a value
117      *         greater than <code>0</code> if this version is newer than the argument.
118      */
119     public int compareTo(Object object) {
120         if (object == null || !(object instanceof Version)) {
121             return -1;
122         }
123         Version version = (Version) object;
124         for (int i = 0; i < levelValues.length && i < version.levelValues.length; i++) {
125             if (levelValues[i] < version.levelValues[i]) {
126                 return -1;
127             } else if (levelValues[i] > version.levelValues[i]) {
128                 return 1;
129             }
130         }
131         if (levelValues.length < version.levelValues.length) {
132             for (int i = levelValues.length; i < version.levelValues.length; i++) {
133                 if (version.levelValues[i] > 0) {
134                     return -1;
135                 } else if (version.levelValues[i] < 0) {
136                     return 1;
137                 }
138             }
139         } else if (version.levelValues.length < levelValues.length) {
140             for (int i = version.levelValues.length; i < levelValues.length; i++) {
141                 if (levelValues[i] < 0) {
142                     return -1;
143                 } else if (levelValues[i] > 0) {
144                     return 1;
145                 }
146             }
147         }
148         return 0;
149     }
151     /***
152      * Returns the string representation of this Version. The string is composed by appending each
153      * level and padding a "." between 2 levels.
154      *
155      * @return the string representation of this Version
156      */
157     public String toString() {
158         StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer((levelValues.length * 2) - 1);
159         for (int i = 0; i < levelValues.length; i++) {
160             stringBuffer.append(levelValues[i]);
161             if (i < levelValues.length - 1) {
162                 stringBuffer.append('.');
163             }
164         }
165         return stringBuffer.toString();
166     }
168 }