View Javadoc

1   package net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.framework.gui;
3   import java.awt.*;
4   import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
5   import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
6   import;
7   import javax.swing.*;
8   import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.framework.GameFactoryManager;
9   import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.framework.transport.ClientLoginException;
10  import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.specs.model.GameFactory;
11  import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.util.proportionlayout.ProportionConstraints;
12  import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.util.proportionlayout.ProportionLayout;
14  public class ConnectionWizardDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener {
16      public static final int JOIN_OR_HOST_CONNECTION = 100;
17      public static final int JOIN_CONNECTION = 101;
18      public static final int HOST_CONNECTION = 111;
20      private static final int JOIN_HOST = 0;
21      private static final int JOIN_SETTINGS = 1;
22      private static final int HOST_SETTINGS = 2;
23      private static final int GAME_CHOICE = 3;
24      private static final int GAME_SETTINGS_CHOICE = 4;
26      private static final String[] stepTitles = {
27          "Choose connection type", "Join game",
28          "Host game", "Choose game",
29          "Choose game settings"
30      };
31      private static final String[] stepStrings = {
32          "Step 1:", "Step 2:", "Step 2:",
33          "Step 3:", "Step 4:"
34      };
35      private static final boolean[][] stepEnabledStates = {
36          {false, true, false, true},
37          {true, false, true, true},
38          {true, true, false, true},
39          {true, true, true, true},
40          {true, false, true, true}
41      };
43      private SimpleGameNetFrame simpleGameNetFrame;
44      private GameFactory[] gameFactories;
46      private JLabel stepLabel = new JLabel();
47      private JPanel stepPanel = new JPanel();
48      private CardLayout stepCardLayout = new CardLayout();
49      private JButton[] navigationButtons = new JButton[4];
50      // [0] Previous
51      // [1] Next
52      // [2] Finish
53      // [3] Cancel
55      private JoinHostGamePanel joinHostGamePanel;
56      private JoinSettingsPanel joinSettingsPanel;
57      private HostSettingsPanel hostSettingsPanel;
58      private GameChoicePanel gameChoicePanel;
59      private GameSettingsChoicePanel gameSettingsChoicePanel;
61      private ConnectionConfig connectionConfig;
63      private int hostGameInterfacesIndex = 0;
65      private int state;
67      public ConnectionWizardDialog(SimpleGameNetFrame simpleGameNetFrame) {
68          this(simpleGameNetFrame, JOIN_OR_HOST_CONNECTION);
69      }
71      public ConnectionWizardDialog(SimpleGameNetFrame simpleGameNetFrame,
72                                    int connectionType) {
73          super(simpleGameNetFrame, "", true);
74          this.simpleGameNetFrame = simpleGameNetFrame;
75          connectionConfig = ConnectionConfig.load();
76          gameFactories = GameFactoryManager.getInstance().getGameFactories();
77          Container contentPanel = getContentPane();
78          ProportionLayout layout = new ProportionLayout();
79          layout.appendColumn(10);                                // 0 empty
80          layout.appendColumn(0, 1.0);                            // 1
81          layout.appendColumn(10);                                // 2 empty
82          layout.appendRow(10);                                // 0 empty
83          layout.appendRow(0, ProportionLayout.NO_PROPORTION); // 1
84          layout.appendRow(10);                                // 2 empty
85          layout.appendRow(0, 1.0);                            // 3
86          layout.appendRow(10);                                // 4 empty
87          layout.appendRow(0, ProportionLayout.NO_PROPORTION); // 5
88          layout.appendRow(10);                                // 6 empty
89          contentPanel.setLayout(layout);
91          contentPanel.add(stepLabel, new ProportionConstraints(1, 1));
92          stepPanel.setLayout(stepCardLayout);
93          joinHostGamePanel = new JoinHostGamePanel(this);
94          joinSettingsPanel = new JoinSettingsPanel(this);
95          hostSettingsPanel = new HostSettingsPanel(this);
96          gameChoicePanel = new GameChoicePanel(this, gameFactories);
97          gameSettingsChoicePanel = new GameSettingsChoicePanel(this, gameFactories);
98          stepPanel.add(joinHostGamePanel, Integer.toString(JOIN_HOST));
99          stepPanel.add(joinSettingsPanel, Integer.toString(JOIN_SETTINGS));
100         stepPanel.add(hostSettingsPanel, Integer.toString(HOST_SETTINGS));
101         stepPanel.add(gameChoicePanel, Integer.toString(GAME_CHOICE));
102         stepPanel.add(gameSettingsChoicePanel, Integer.toString(GAME_SETTINGS_CHOICE));
103         contentPanel.add(stepPanel, new ProportionConstraints(1, 3));
104         ProportionLayout navigationLayout = new ProportionLayout();
105         navigationLayout.appendColumn(0, 1.0);                            // 0
106         navigationLayout.appendColumn(10);                                // 1 empty
107         navigationLayout.appendColumn(0, 1.0);                            // 2
108         navigationLayout.appendColumn(10);                                // 3 empty
109         navigationLayout.appendColumn(0, 1.0);                            // 4
110         navigationLayout.appendColumn(10);                                // 5 empty
111         navigationLayout.appendColumn(0, 1.0);                            // 6
112         navigationLayout.appendRow(0, ProportionLayout.NO_PROPORTION); // 0
113         JPanel navigationPanel = new JPanel(navigationLayout);
114         navigationButtons[0] = new JButton("Previous");
115         navigationButtons[1] = new JButton("Next");
116         navigationButtons[2] = new JButton("Finish");
117         navigationButtons[3] = new JButton("Cancel");
118         for (int i = 0; i < navigationButtons.length; i++) {
119             navigationButtons[i].addActionListener(this);
120             navigationPanel.add(navigationButtons[i],
121                     new ProportionConstraints(i * 2, 0));
122         }
123         contentPanel.add(navigationPanel, new ProportionConstraints(1, 5));
124         switch (connectionType) {
125             case JOIN_OR_HOST_CONNECTION:
126                 switchToStep(JOIN_HOST);
127                 break;
128             case JOIN_CONNECTION:
129                 joinHostGamePanel.setConnectionType(JOIN_CONNECTION);
130                 switchToStep(JOIN_SETTINGS);
131                 break;
132             case HOST_CONNECTION:
133                 joinHostGamePanel.setConnectionType(HOST_CONNECTION);
134                 switchToStep(HOST_SETTINGS);
135                 break;
136         }
137         pack();
138         Dimension frameSize = simpleGameNetFrame.getSize();
139         Dimension dialogSize = getSize();
140         setLocation((frameSize.width - dialogSize.width) / 2,
141                 (frameSize.height - dialogSize.height) / 2);
142         setLocationRelativeTo(simpleGameNetFrame);
143     }
145     /***
146      * Invoked when an action occurs.
147      */
148     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
149         if (actionEvent.getSource() == navigationButtons[0]) {
150             previous();
151         } else if (actionEvent.getSource() == navigationButtons[1]) {
152             next();
153         } else if (actionEvent.getSource() == navigationButtons[2]) {
154             finish();
155         } else if (actionEvent.getSource() == navigationButtons[3]) {
156             dispose();
157         }
158     }
160     private void previous() {
161         switch (state) {
162             case JOIN_SETTINGS:
163                 switchToStep(JOIN_HOST);
164                 break;
165             case HOST_SETTINGS:
166                 switchToStep(JOIN_HOST);
167                 break;
168             case GAME_CHOICE:
169                 switchToStep(HOST_SETTINGS);
170                 break;
171             case GAME_SETTINGS_CHOICE:
172                 switchToStep(GAME_CHOICE);
173                 break;
174         }
175     }
177     private void next() {
178         switch (state) {
179             case JOIN_HOST:
180                 if (!joinHostGamePanel.areSettingsAcceptable()) {
181                     return;
182                 }
183                 switch (joinHostGamePanel.getConnectionType()) {
184                     case JOIN_CONNECTION:
185                         switchToStep(JOIN_SETTINGS);
186                         break;
187                     case HOST_CONNECTION:
188                         switchToStep(HOST_SETTINGS);
189                         break;
190                 }
191                 break;
192             case HOST_SETTINGS:
193                 if (!hostSettingsPanel.areSettingsAcceptable()) {
194                     return;
195                 }
196                 switchToStep(GAME_CHOICE);
197                 break;
198             case GAME_CHOICE:
199                 if (!gameChoicePanel.areSettingsAcceptable()) {
200                     return;
201                 }
202                 hostGameInterfacesIndex = gameChoicePanel.getGameFactoriesIndex();
203                 gameSettingsChoicePanel.setGameFactoriesIndex(hostGameInterfacesIndex);
204                 switchToStep(GAME_SETTINGS_CHOICE);
205                 break;
206         }
207     }
209     private void finish() {
210         switch (state) {
211             case JOIN_SETTINGS:
212                 if (!joinSettingsPanel.areSettingsAcceptable()) {
213                     return;
214                 }
215                 try {
216                     simpleGameNetFrame.joinGame(connectionConfig);
217           ;
218                     dispose();
219                 } catch (IOException exception) {
220                     if (exception instanceof ClientLoginException) {
221                         switch (((ClientLoginException) exception).getType()) {
222                             case ClientLoginException.BANNED:
223                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
224                                         "You are banned from the server.",
225                                         "Login failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
226                                 break;
227                             case ClientLoginException.PROTOCOL_VIOLATION:
228                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
229                                         "SimpleGameNet protocol violation occured.",
230                                         "Login failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
231                                 break;
232                             case ClientLoginException.CLIENT_SGN_VERSION:
233                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
234                                         "Your SimpleGameNet version is older "
235                                         + "then the one of the host.",
236                                         "Login failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
237                                 break;
238                             case ClientLoginException.SERVER_SGN_VERSION:
239                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
240                                         "The SimpleGameNet version of the host is older "
241                                         + "then yours.",
242                                         "Login failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
243                                 break;
244                             case ClientLoginException.GAME_NOT_FOUND:
245                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
246                                         "You do not have the game being hosted.",
247                                         "Login failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
248                                 break;
249                             case ClientLoginException.CLIENT_GAME_VERSION:
250                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
251                                         "Your game version is older "
252                                         + "then the one of the host.",
253                                         "Login failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
254                                 break;
255                             case ClientLoginException.SERVER_GAME_VERSION:
256                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
257                                         "The game version of the host is older "
258                                         + "then yours.",
259                                         "Login failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
260                                 break;
261                             case ClientLoginException.LOGIN_NOT_ACCEPTED:
262                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
263                                         "The game did not accept your connection.",
264                                         "Login failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
265                                 break;
266                             default :
267                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
268                                         "Could not login.",
269                                         "Login failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
270                                 break;
271                         }
272                     } else {
273                         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
274                                 "Could not connect to the host.",
275                                 "Connection failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
276                     }
277                 }
278                 break;
279             case GAME_CHOICE:
280                 if (!gameChoicePanel.areSettingsAcceptable()) {
281                     return;
282                 }
283                 hostGameInterfacesIndex = gameChoicePanel.getGameFactoriesIndex();
284                 gameSettingsChoicePanel.setGameFactoriesIndex(hostGameInterfacesIndex);
285             case GAME_SETTINGS_CHOICE:
286                 if (!gameSettingsChoicePanel.areSettingsAcceptable()) {
287                     return;
288                 }
289                 try {
290                     simpleGameNetFrame.hostGame(connectionConfig,
291                             gameFactories[hostGameInterfacesIndex]);
292           ;
293                     dispose();
294                 } catch (IOException exception) {
295                     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
296                             "The port " + connectionConfig.getPort()
297                             + " is already taken by another application.",
298                             "Hosting failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
299                 }
300                 break;
301         }
302     }
304     private void switchToStep(int state) {
305         this.state = state;
306         setTitle(stepTitles[state]);
307         stepLabel.setText(stepStrings[state]);
308         for (int i = 0; i < navigationButtons.length; i++) {
309             navigationButtons[i].setEnabled(stepEnabledStates[state][i]);
310         }
311, Integer.toString(state));
312     }
314     public ConnectionConfig getConnectionConfig() {
315         return connectionConfig;
316     }
318 }