View Javadoc

1   package net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.framework.gui;
3   import java.awt.*;
4   import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
5   import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
6   import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
7   import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
8   import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
9   import;
10  import javax.swing.*;
11  import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
12  import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
13  import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.framework.model.SimpleGameNetSettings;
14  import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.specs.model.GameFactory;
15  import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.util.proportionlayout.ProportionConstraints;
16  import net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.util.proportionlayout.ProportionLayout;
18  /***
19   * The main class of the executable jar which is responsible for initializing the entire
20   * SimpleGameNet framework.
21   * <p/>
22   * All game modules are dynamically loaded from the executable jar file path's subdirectory "games".
23   * A game module is required to be jarred into one jar file with it's "Main-Class" attribute set to
24   * its {@link net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.specs.model.GameFactory}.
25   *
26   * @author Geoffrey De Smet
27   * @version 1.0, 2003-06-18
28   * @see GameFactory
29   * @see net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.specs.model.GamePlayerClient
30   * @see net.sourceforge.simplegamenet.specs.model.GameServer
31   */
32  public class SimpleGameNetFrame extends JFrame {
34      private static final int NOT_CONNECTED = 0;
35      private static final int HOSTED_GAME = 11;
36      private static final int JOINED_GAME = 21;
38      public static void createSimpleGameNetFrame() {
39          System.out.println("SimpleGameNet "
40                  + SimpleGameNetSettings.getInstance().getVersion().toString());
41          SimpleGameNetFrame currentFrame = new SimpleGameNetFrame();
42          currentFrame.pack();
43          currentFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
44          currentFrame.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);
45          currentFrame.setVisible(true);
46      }
48      private Action connectAction;
49      private Action disconnectAction;
50      private Action joinAction;
51      private Action hostAction;
52      private Action exitAction;
53      private Action optionsAction;
54      private Action aboutAction;
56      private JTabbedPane tabbedPane;
57      // (0) statusTabPanel
58      // (1) chatTabPanel
59      // (2) gameTabPanel
60      // (3) gameSettingsTabPanel
62      private StatusTabPanel statusTabPanel = new StatusTabPanel();
63      private ChatTabPanel chatTabPanel = new ChatTabPanel();
64      private GameTabPanel gameTabPanel = new GameTabPanel();
65      private GameSettingsTabPanel gameSettingsTabPanel = new GameSettingsTabPanel();
67      private JTextArea logTextArea;
69      private ServerGUIFacade serverGUIFacade = null;
70      private ClientGUIFacade clientGUIFacade = null;
72      private int appState;
74      private SimpleGameNetFrame() {
75          super();
76          initActions();
77          initFrame();
78          initMenuBar();
79          initContent();
80          logTextArea = statusTabPanel.getLogTextArea();
81          updateAppState(NOT_CONNECTED, "Not connected");
82      }
84      private void initFrame() {
85          ImageIcon simpleGameNetIcon = new ImageIcon(
86                  getClass().getResource("SimpleGameNetIcon.png"),
87                  "SimpleGameNet icon");
88          setIconImage(simpleGameNetIcon.getImage());
89          setDefaultCloseOperation(DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE);
90          WindowListener windowListener = new WindowAdapter() {
91              public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent) {
92                  exit();
93              }
95              public void windowClosed(WindowEvent windowEvent) {
96                  System.exit(0);
97              }
98          };
99          addWindowListener(windowListener);
100     }
102     private void initActions() {
103         Icon connectIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("ConnectIcon.png"));
104         connectAction = new AbstractAction("Connect...", connectIcon) {
105             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
106                 ConnectionWizardDialog connectionWizardDialog
107                         = new ConnectionWizardDialog(SimpleGameNetFrame.this);
108       ;
109             }
110         };
111         connectAction.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_C));
112         connectAction.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Join or host a game...");
114         Icon disconnectIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("DisconnectIcon.png"));
115         disconnectAction = new AbstractAction("Disconnect", disconnectIcon) {
116             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
117                 disconnect();
118             }
119         };
120         disconnectAction.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_D));
121         disconnectAction.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Disconnect from the game");
123         Icon joinIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("JoinIcon.png"));
124         joinAction = new AbstractAction("Join...", joinIcon) {
125             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
126                 ConnectionWizardDialog connectionWizardDialog
127                         = new ConnectionWizardDialog(SimpleGameNetFrame.this,
128                                 ConnectionWizardDialog.JOIN_CONNECTION);
129       ;
130             }
131         };
132         joinAction.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_J));
133         joinAction.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Join a game...");
135         Icon hostIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("HostIcon.png"));
136         hostAction = new AbstractAction("Host...", hostIcon) {
137             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
138                 ConnectionWizardDialog connectionWizardDialog
139                         = new ConnectionWizardDialog(SimpleGameNetFrame.this,
140                                 ConnectionWizardDialog.HOST_CONNECTION);
141       ;
142             }
143         };
144         hostAction.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_H));
145         hostAction.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Host a game...");
147         Icon optionsIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("OptionsIcon.png"));
148         optionsAction = new AbstractAction("Options", optionsIcon) {
149             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
150                 OptionsDialog optionsDialog = new OptionsDialog(SimpleGameNetFrame.this);
151       ;
152             }
153         };
154         optionsAction.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_O));
155         optionsAction.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Options and settings");
157         Icon exitIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("ExitIcon.png"));
158         exitAction = new AbstractAction("Exit", exitIcon) {
159             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
160                 exit();
161             }
162         };
163         exitAction.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_X));
164         exitAction.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Exit");
166         Icon aboutIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("AboutIcon.png"));
167         aboutAction = new AbstractAction("About", aboutIcon) {
168             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
169                 AboutDialog aboutDialog = new AboutDialog(SimpleGameNetFrame.this);
170       ;
171             }
172         };
173         aboutAction.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_A));
174         aboutAction.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "About SimpleGameNet");
175     }
177     private void initMenuBar() {
178         JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
179         JMenu gameMenu = new JMenu("Game");
180         gameMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_G);
181         gameMenu.add(connectAction);
182         gameMenu.add(disconnectAction);
183         gameMenu.addSeparator();
184         gameMenu.add(joinAction);
185         gameMenu.add(hostAction);
186         gameMenu.addSeparator();
187         gameMenu.add(optionsAction);
188         gameMenu.addSeparator();
189         gameMenu.add(exitAction);
190         menuBar.add(gameMenu);
191         JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Help");
192         helpMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_H);
193         helpMenu.add(aboutAction);
194         menuBar.add(helpMenu);
195         setJMenuBar(menuBar);
196     }
198     private void initContent() {
199         Container contentPanel = getContentPane();
200         ProportionLayout layout = new ProportionLayout();
201         layout.appendColumn(10);                                // 0 empty
202         layout.appendColumn(0, 1.0);                            // 1
203         layout.appendColumn(10);                                // 2 empty
204         layout.appendRow(10);                                // 0 empty
205         layout.appendRow(0, 1.0);                            // 1
206         layout.appendRow(10);                                // 2 empty
207         contentPanel.setLayout(layout);
209         tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP, JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT);
210         tabbedPane.add("Status", statusTabPanel);
211         tabbedPane.add("Chat", chatTabPanel);
212         tabbedPane.add("Game", gameTabPanel);
213         tabbedPane.add("Game settings", gameSettingsTabPanel);
214         tabbedPane.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
215             public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent changeEvent) {
216                 switch (tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex()) {
217                     case 0:
218                         statusTabPanel.requestFocusInWindow();
219                         break;
220                     case 1:
221                         chatTabPanel.requestFocusInWindow();
222                         break;
223                     case 2:
224                         gameTabPanel.requestFocusInWindow();
225                         break;
226                     case 3:
227                         gameSettingsTabPanel.requestFocusInWindow();
228                         break;
229                 }
230             }
231         });
232         contentPanel.add(tabbedPane, new ProportionConstraints(1, 1));
233     }
235     private void updateAppState(int newAppState, String statusTitle) {
236         appState = newAppState;
237         boolean connected = appState != NOT_CONNECTED;
239         connectAction.setEnabled(!connected);
240         disconnectAction.setEnabled(connected);
241         joinAction.setEnabled(!connected);
242         hostAction.setEnabled(!connected);
244         if (!connected) {
245             if (tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() > 1) {
246                 tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(1);
247             }
248         }
249         tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(2, connected);
250         tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(3, connected);
252         setTitle(statusTitle + " - SimpleGameNet "
253                 + SimpleGameNetSettings.getInstance().getVersion().toString());
254     }
256     public void hostGame(ConnectionConfig connectionConfig, GameFactory gameFactory)
257             throws IOException {
258         if (appState != NOT_CONNECTED) {
259             return;
260         }
261         serverGUIFacade = new ServerGUIFacade(this, logTextArea);
262         serverGUIFacade.hostGame(connectionConfig, gameFactory);
264         clientGUIFacade = new ClientGUIFacade(this, statusTabPanel, chatTabPanel, gameTabPanel,
265                 gameSettingsTabPanel, logTextArea, true);
266         clientGUIFacade.joinGame(connectionConfig);
268         updateAppState(HOSTED_GAME, "Hosting " + gameFactory.getName());
269     }
271     public void joinGame(ConnectionConfig connectionConfig)
272             throws IOException {
273         if (appState != NOT_CONNECTED) {
274             return;
275         }
276         clientGUIFacade = new ClientGUIFacade(this, statusTabPanel, chatTabPanel,
277                 gameTabPanel, gameSettingsTabPanel,
278                 logTextArea, false);
279         GameFactory gameFactory = clientGUIFacade.joinGame(connectionConfig);
280         updateAppState(JOINED_GAME, "Joined " + gameFactory.getName());
281     }
283     private void disconnect() {
284         switch (appState) {
285             case HOSTED_GAME:
286                 serverGUIFacade.closeServer();
287                 break;
288             case JOINED_GAME:
289                 clientGUIFacade.leaveServer();
290                 break;
291         }
292     }
294     public void disconnected() {
295         updateAppState(NOT_CONNECTED, "Not connected");
296     }
298     private void exit() {
299         if (appState == NOT_CONNECTED) {
300             dispose();
301         } else {
302             if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,
303                     "Do you want to disconnect?", "You are still connected.",
304                     JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE)
305                     == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
306                 disconnect();
307                 dispose();
308             }
309         }
310     }
312 }